Friday, July 25, 2008

"charcoal" fountain

due to my lazyness, and also of busy studying, i just only upload those pics that v took last sat, haven add any comment and caption yet, i ll update as possible as i could, sorry for any inconvenience.. (just simply guess what the pics trying to show about la, i already arrange nicely~~)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

JOurNey To tHe CeNtRe of thE eArtH

^this was the movie i went to watch yesterday with ivy and mok them. nice movies, but we chose to watch [2D] cause [3D] is more expensive(2D RM7 for student price; 3D RM17) and we dont know whether [3D] gt student price anot somemore at that time there's not many movies which showed btw 2pm and 3pm so our only choice is to watch this..

but after finish watching the movie, we all thought the same thing that we should watch [3D], its really adventurous and the effects were so good, looked so real and creative!! what ll it be if we watch [3D]?? aiks aiks.. next time if we going to watch this kind of movies we must choose to watch [3D]... hmm...

after the movie we went to eat cakes in secret recipe as we owe soo mun a bday cake. the service was not good=bad, the malay servant's attitude really annoyed my friends.. soooooo unfriendly... we wait n wait for so long to gt our orders, its a bit too long maybe, as you noe order a cake doesnt need to wait wert, it doesnt need to cook or what.. grrr.. not that i want to critic malays(i m not racist!! bt i dont like malays though..) bt those malays really.................. need to improve their attitudes and manners lo.. haih..

oh ya there was a small incident happened when we going to go home.. hehe.. we saw a mortal n i think she noticed us too.. we were walking on the ground floor and she was on the 1st floor, when my fren looked up she saw the mortal looking down too, my god.. then mok n sm walked so quickly while me n ivy walked even slower to hope that she didnt noticed us, bt we act so funny and weird i think she did noticed us and maybe guessing who is her angel at that time, now she knew, only 3 to guess, easy-bitsy, maybe next week she ll know who is the real angel, haha..

anyway, at last we all able to hang out once!! yippe!! although didnt cheong k but its enough for me, at least we did enjoyed the movie n cakes!!

this was my "white chocolate macadamia", looked nice though i cannot finish it.. luckily mok n soo mun helped me to eat it~~

the upper 1 was soo mun's cake (a PIECE of belated bday cake XD) while below it was ivy's "chocolate banana cake".. looked delicious too~~~~ mok was enjoying her "raspberry cake"(izit raspberry?? sorry i 4gt already, hehe..) 這可是偷拍的哦,不然怎么拍到她呀?mok又被PO上網咯,哇哈哈。。
actualy i can upload another 2 more funny photos other than this bt since this 2 ppl dun want to show their "ugly eating" look so... this is the only 1 lo.. wakaka..
this is chen chen~ sorry la chen i stil dcide to show ur pretty face in my blog.. c, not bad wert, very good-looking mar~~ ^^
finally.... its me!!!! say cheeseeeeeeee........cake!!!

p/s: phew!!! finally i uploaded those photos..... 抱歉讓你們久等了.... lazzzzzzy me~~~~

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


上个星期六我和一班死党去了一个我一年四季都不会去的地方-the summit, usj. 目的就是为了展开追星行动!也就是要看leng zai---郑元畅&唐禹哲,他们这次是为了宣传「恶作剧2吻」而来,虽然我还没看完这部偶像剧不过我也想去看看他们有多帅啊... ^^ 我是去看帅帅的元畅而ivy是去看帅帅的禹哲,soo mun & mok 也有去,我可是第一次和mok & soo mun 一起追星leh... 讲到mok, 真是笑死我,表面上看起来好像不是很愿意去,说什么很累啦,又读不完书啦,可.是.啊,到了现场,竟然比我还要兴奋,high 到和ivy一起站在椅子上喊,真是的,口是心非,看到leng zai 还不是一样失控,ceh..... XD

第一次看到郑元畅本人还真是帅到爆,真的真的超超超帅的说,简直电晕了,哈哈... 他真的很高耶,不过唐禹哲也不矮,只不过站在元畅旁边就显得矮了一点,当然啦,元畅身高可是188cm 耶,我看禹哲应该是178+吧,两位真的是又高又帅,难怪有那么多粉丝,从3岁到80岁都有,大小通吃,哈哈.... 真的没骗人哦,我真的看到一个看起来至少有70岁的婆婆竟然搬了一张椅子和那班疯狂的粉丝一起站上去看leh, 真是吓死我了.... 想不到他们有酱geng的吸引力, 连阿婆也被迷倒... XD

元畅&禹哲还没来时粉丝们都在玩游戏,而被抽到的超级幸运儿不但有机会和两位帅哥合照,过后那两位帅哥还对每个幸运儿来个大拥抱呢!!真是羡慕死了!!真想也给他们抱一抱..... (幻想中.... XD)
郑元畅真是帅呆了!!!直树!!!!(ivy: 禹哲!!!!!)
原本可以拍到帅帅的元畅&禹哲但那六粒讨人厌的spot light 挡住了禹哲,真是的,干嘛摆在那边啊,haiyo.... >.< (ivy: 是咯是咯.....)

这几张都有点朦,真是不好意思,由于本小姐是个电子产品白痴,在加上缺乏技术,so 不会用camera, 拍到的照片十张里有八张都是这种烂照片...... 失败.... (有谁可以教教我啊?T.T)

中间拿着love shape 东东的那位,看她眼睛停在元畅身上动也不动的,口水流满地酱,羡煞死人.... 当然啦,如果我也可以那么近的看着元畅我不只口水流满地,简直就晕倒啦.... 哈哈...

拍到朦朦的禹哲... (看到元畅吗?就在最旁边比胜利手势的那一位.... lol...)

由于元畅的生日是在6月19号,so 粉丝们准备了一个蛋糕庆祝他的belated bday, 但元畅说切过生日蛋糕的人应该要给下一个生日的人切(他说这是台湾的习俗)so 后来这个任务就交给了他的buddy-禹哲来切啦因为听说禹哲的生日也是要到了....
他俩的头又再次被挡了,真是气死我..... >=(

这是我站的地方,下面是楼梯哦,我竟然大胆到搬了某家restoran的椅子来站(而且还穿着高跟鞋哦...),为的就是可以看到那两位帅哥咯,谁叫我不够soo mun 酱高,看不到台上,唉.... (but soo mun 也有站在椅子上看leh, haha.. )
这是比较后面的地方,由于开始签名了而我刚才站的地方又看不到元畅so就跟大队来到这边看lo.. 那两位工作人员挡住了我的视线,我看不到元畅了.... 不过后来啊,禹哲有转过来跟我们say hi 哦,超兴奋的,不过没mok & ivy 酱兴奋啦....
猜猜这两位是谁?哈哈... 不就是疯狂的那两位咯.. 为什么我会拍到酱leh?原因就是她们都站在椅子上看,而且又不给我拍,so 我只拍到后面咯,笑死..... (抱歉啊两位,你们的“背影”在我的blog出现,嘻嘻....)

最后,他们俩就坐旅游车走人了,而我们的追星行动也告一段落了.... 我要谢谢各界人士给予的帮助,尤其是soo mun, 提供了transport,让我们的行动进行得十分顺利! 还有我的阿姨,提供了住宿给我,好让我不用“山长水远”地回家,谢谢各位!!arrigato gozaimasu!!