Tuesday, May 19, 2009


我想应该很多人都知道什么是LOVE LiFE 计划吧,这个由黑人和范范发起的公益活动,主要是希望透过患癌病童的真实故事,唤起大家对生命的重视与珍惜。这个计划散播出去后,得到了各界的支持,包括演艺界的A咖:阿妹、陶喆、周董、方文山、蔡康永、蔡依林、桂纶镁、林依晨、小综、小天等都是LOVE LiFE的一份子哦!想知道更多的话,就自己click进去看吧!官网是http://www.ilovelife.com.tw

以下的LOVE LiFE 公益广告短片,希望大家能够抽一点点的时间仔细的观赏,再抽一点点的时间好好的思考,而不是看过再哭几滴眼泪就算了,这可不是我放上来让大家看的原因哦。。




我是蕙吟, i LOVE LiFE!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Working place

hehe its time to show you all my working place, i mean, ex-working place, hoho.. but i forgot to take photo on my last day with those cute little kids er, sigh.. really missed them a lot man, miss their laughing, crying, playing and singing... wondering whether they still remember "Ms Lee" or not?? (since they are special kids ma)

this was my office. the table with some "flowers" was my desk and the desk in front of me was my colleague which 2 years younger than me. she is also a fan of anime oh, we both like anime from 宫崎骏, hohoho.. the chair which covered with a brown coat was my another colleague(my boss gf) desk, she was sooooo nice to me and totally different from my boss, she is quite pretty and plays excellent in piano. (She used to perfom piano for Agong oh..)
this is my boss desk. nothing to describe. =.=
see? my desk was soooo near to my boss, thats why i cannot do anything when he was there, he likes to observe what we do during work time. sigh.. soooo much pressure man...
this is standard 4 classroom which is also the largest classroom. i used to sit on the small little chair and mark their books, haha... notice the 2 tables that near the windows? it was specially made for the 2 naughtiest kids in standard 4 so that they wont run here and there but they never sit there during my lesson, lol am i too good?
this is standard 1 classroom. standard 1 students in this school = kindergarten 3 years old. they never listen to people and we never understand what are they talking about, really hard to teach man...
this is standard 2 classroom which is the smallest classroom. really very small, always not enough space for me to run around to catch students, er i mean take them to their seats lol
butterfly classroom = standard 4 classroom. hmm.. i forgot what insect represent standard 2 and 1, if i m not mistaken i think is dragonfly and beetle...
ah ha!! this was the "rotan" i used to beat them coz my ruler was broken when beating them.. its sponge actually, not pain 1, just use to scare them, hahaha...

their timetablethe last day i taught them was thursday which means i got only 1 mathematics lesson in standard 4. (the E represent me)
this is the piano my colleague use to teach them. i seldom enter this room coz they always lock it up to avoid students go inside and play..
hmm.. the one in that picture was my colleague. She received quite a lot of honors and awards for music. envy-nya~~
this is the sofa placed in the piano room. i was curious about this, wondering why they want to buy a sofa since nobody gonna use it wert... hmm.. in my point of view, i think my boss use it to nap lo, coz everytime i saw him went into the room for quite a long time, hmm, sleeping inside there for sure XD
this was the picture i took long long time ago. they are standard 1 students, actually got 10 of them but that day 5 of them were absent. these students are damn rich 1 man, especially the two sitting in front, their parents are very very very sayang them coz they are the only child they have, sayang dao wa beh tahan...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mama day~

昨天的母亲节我没买什么礼物给妈咪 (因为我妈咪最喜欢的是$$$ ^o^)but 我请了全家人去某 karaoke 唱 K (除了那个睡得像猪的妹妹),我可是从来都没和家人去唱过 K 的咧,这次难得趁着母亲节可以去唱一唱,我那个笨小妹可是兴奋到在前一晚死命傻笑,也难怪啦,她长这么大都没去过 karaoke, 好像山巴妹酱,真是服了她。。


江江江江!!!我老爸的样子终于都曝光啦,哇哈哈,多亏我这个狗仔队女儿啦,呵呵。。他可是很认真地唱着自己的歌喔,不过都是老歌啦,而且都是 Bee Gees 的英文歌,全部都是我没听过的,真的很老哦,哈哈。。不过他也会一些“新歌”啦,他竟然会点张栋梁的黄昏哦,我跟我妈都笑翻了,哈哈哈哈。。。

这些都是我们的午餐啦,不过食物真的“麻麻地”咯,连我家小妹都看不上眼的食物还真的不怎么好吃啦。。(有注意到桌上的麦克风吗?全部都有包一层 tisu , 因为不像某 karaoke 酱有提供包麦克风的套套,所以我们就自己用 tisu 包住,因为怕肮脏,呵呵。。)
这就是我家的 Agong --尊贵的妈咪啦!!嘻嘻。。她点的歌不算老啦,至少我还会唱啦,好像正在唱的这首“姐姐妹妹站起来”,我唱到倒地,哈哈。。没想到有人会点酱的歌,我那天的歌路完全改变,全程笑翻。。
呐,这就是我家笨小妹啦!!她 high 到站在上面唱,好像真的很 enjoy 的说。。。 ^^
这对母女档,呃,应该是美女档,嘻嘻。。还蛮认真投入的嘛。。她们一起唱老歌呢,还是我妈的饮歌--心动,难怪笨小妹会唱啦,我妈每天哼每天哼,搞到连我也会唱,哈哈。。还好我们有共同歌曲(不是共同歌路哦,我没那么老。。),而且那位 auntie 还会蛮多流行歌,好像喜帖街、大哥、你不是真正的快乐还有说好的幸福呢她都会唱,不愧是超 in 的 auntie 啦,佩服佩服。。Orz
哈哈,看到这张照片真的笑死我,你知道他们在唱什么歌吗?是刘家昌和尤雅的合唱曲--在雨中。这首超超超经典老歌是我妈特地点来跟老爸合唱的,因为我爸不大会华语歌,这首应该是他唯一会唱的男女对唱歌吧,看到他们两个唱到那么投入真的笑死我,哇哈哈哈哈。。。 XD
那一天是我有史以来唱最多老歌的一天了,什么朋友、过火、记事本、一人有一个梦想之类的,真是爆笑死。。。晚上我们约阿姨 一起吃火锅,她也意思意思送了一个手表给妈咪 as 母亲节礼物,感觉怪怪的,哈哈。。不过一整天都是以笑声度过,还不错啦,只要妈咪开心就好。。难得有一天可以孝顺一下,当然要开开心心的咯。。


Monday, May 4, 2009

no more working!!!!!

wahahaha... i think everyone knows that I had quit my job ba... wahahaha, so happy of me~~~ never feel sooooo free before, I can do whatever I want, I can wake up and eat at anytime I want, I can watch drama and play games and shopping and sleep and day dream whenever I wanted to do so!!!!! wahahaha... (ki siao me~)

I've never regret on my decision lo.. If this is the job I love and would like to do it for my whole life, I wouldnt feel so burdenless now, just like let go of something heavy and suffering me all the time..

Although I was quite enjoyed my teaching la but I really cannot handle office job wei... not suitable for me.. what I can say is 入错行啦!!maybe be a teacher I still got a bit interest la but office lady, 呵呵。。 not my cup of tea.. no freedom no rights, everyday live like robot, like doll, like zombie, like shit!!!!!

I cant stand without my pride...

sorry boss, I know I was not a good employee but at least I was a helpful one right? thanks for letting me learnt so much, I know that actually you are a good guy(always belanja me makan minum), just that your attitude.... ehem ehem la.. sorry for scolding you so much in my blog but I would never do this again since I quit jo, wahaha..

anyway, thanks my boss, thanks my collegues and teachers who always lend me a helpful hand!!! I am gonna miss you guys a lot!!!!