Sunday, January 25, 2009


wah wah wah... Chinese new year is coming, 1 more day to go, hohoho... why am i not dreaming on my bed and what am i goin2 do in this stupid damn cold midnight?? hohoho... of course is 大扫除 la, i need to clean up my messy room and smelly toilet while everyone is sleeping now.. T.T kesian me...

dic doc dic doc~ as time passed by, finally i complete my mission~~phew~

this was the time aft cleaning up---> 3.30am. i feel tired bt doesnt feel like want to sleep though so i come here to show off my hampers, hohoho... actualy those hampers belong to my so-called "company director" daddy~(i duno why his name appeared as "company director" in those hampers' cny card, weird.. XD)

left: kinda “补品” hamper; middle: Amway hamper(gt my favourite ferrero roche^^); right: normal hamper(not much favourite food of mine, juz some biscuits and weird snacks =.=)
my ferrero roche~~~~
saw that little ginseng on the left upper side?? i wonder what should we do to that ginseng.. eat? or keep??? why people want to wrap this into the hamper??
the 4th hamper we receive this year, this 1 is the 1 i like the most, gt lots of my fav~(ferrero roche, pringles, 鱿鱼丝,pudings, etc etc.)this 1 is the last hamper----余仁生hamper (i want the duno wat “补肺汤”, everyday shout like hell, need it to 补一补~ lol)

this is the reason why we don't need to 买年货 since got so many things to eat^^, so today we juz bought drinks and 肉干(“龙记肉干试一试,你一定好钟意~~~” XD)

ok, time to sleep, tmr morning need to rush bac to kampung~~~

~~HaPpY ChiNeSe yEaR~~

Thursday, January 15, 2009


due to my tiredness and moodless(cuz work til sot jo @_@), I juz upload some photos taken at S.H.E autograph session.

Activity: S.H.E autograph session

Date: 3/1/2009

Time: 8pm (i wait from 4pm.... ><)

Venue: Car park of Sungei Wang

My position: 无可取代会员, 俗称小无(selina 取的哦... ^^)

note: photo source: {jctalks}

Thursday, January 1, 2009

HapPy 2009!!!!!

woohoo!!! 2day is the 1st day of 2009, haPpY n3W y3ar!!!!!!!!!!!!! bt should i be happy or sad?

高兴的事有很多, 但伤心的事也不少... 高兴是因为今天要出席S.H.E 后援会的生日派对+聚会, 这是我第一次出席后援会的活动, 一想到可以和那么多粉丝聊三只的东东就超级兴奋的!!!! 还有还有这个拜六我就可以亲眼看到三只了, 哇哇哇!!!! 超high 的!!! (光想就很兴奋了, 每天都为三只的到来不停乱喊乱叫, 连妹妹都骂我白痴 >..<)

伤心的呢, 就是我到现在都还没找到工作, 已经一月了, 很多公司都请了人, 可是请的都不是我, 悲.... 昨天和阿莫应征了几份工, 全部都要明天才能confirm, 现在只能呆呆地等待了...

还有就是很邪的事情, 我前天病得五颜六色, 昨天本来以为好了, 但睡了午觉后更严重, 头晕到走路都歪歪的, 而且到现在耳朵都还嗡嗡声的, 咳嗽伤风发烧更不用说, 全部都回来和我一起倒数新年; 记得07还是08年时我也是新年前的一天生病, 一年365天都从不生病的我, 偏偏在新年前病一场, 唉! 不知是福还是祸, 是祸躲不过, 真是邪门...

at last, again i wan2 wish every1 happy new year!!! and may the world peace and happy~~^o^ v