gosh my blog was abandoned for months!!! feels so guilty to it, haha.. but since my uni was started i've soooo much things to do, so its unavoidable to left my bloggy behind, sorry la...
anyways, what i am going to do now is to create another blog which i ll post my daily matters and uni stuffs on it while this blog i ll only post things other than those, like friends, gatherings, photos, idols etc.
so this blog i might seldom update any new post la, which means it ll continues its abandoned life, hahaha.. since my uni started, i just felt like wana start a new life and forget everything including friends and teachers, and all stuffs in chs, argh, dont know why i had this feeling, 可能是因为最近身边所有的事物一直不停地变化,包括朋友,家人,学业,环境,搞到我很难去适应,所以想逃避吧。。haih...
anyways, its time for me to say goodbye to my bloggy, for temporary though, it ll update again when there's anything i wana post here....
so long~~ T.T
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
我想应该很多人都知道什么是LOVE LiFE 计划吧,这个由黑人和范范发起的公益活动,主要是希望透过患癌病童的真实故事,唤起大家对生命的重视与珍惜。这个计划散播出去后,得到了各界的支持,包括演艺界的A咖:阿妹、陶喆、周董、方文山、蔡康永、蔡依林、桂纶镁、林依晨、小综、小天等都是LOVE LiFE的一份子哦!想知道更多的话,就自己click进去看吧!官网是http://www.ilovelife.com.tw
以下的LOVE LiFE 公益广告短片,希望大家能够抽一点点的时间仔细的观赏,再抽一点点的时间好好的思考,而不是看过再哭几滴眼泪就算了,这可不是我放上来让大家看的原因哦。。
以下的LOVE LiFE 公益广告短片,希望大家能够抽一点点的时间仔细的观赏,再抽一点点的时间好好的思考,而不是看过再哭几滴眼泪就算了,这可不是我放上来让大家看的原因哦。。
我是蕙吟, i LOVE LiFE!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Working place
hehe its time to show you all my working place, i mean, ex-working place, hoho.. but i forgot to take photo on my last day with those cute little kids er, sigh.. really missed them a lot man, miss their laughing, crying, playing and singing... wondering whether they still remember "Ms Lee" or not?? (since they are special kids ma)
this was my office. the table with some "flowers" was my desk and the desk in front of me was my colleague which 2 years younger than me. she is also a fan of anime oh, we both like anime from 宫崎骏, hohoho.. the chair which covered with a brown coat was my another colleague(my boss gf) desk, she was sooooo nice to me and totally different from my boss, she is quite pretty and plays excellent in piano. (She used to perfom piano for Agong oh..)
this is my boss desk. nothing to describe. =.=
see? my desk was soooo near to my boss, thats why i cannot do anything when he was there, he likes to observe what we do during work time. sigh.. soooo much pressure man...
this is standard 4 classroom which is also the largest classroom. i used to sit on the small little chair and mark their books, haha... notice the 2 tables that near the windows? it was specially made for the 2 naughtiest kids in standard 4 so that they wont run here and there but they never sit there during my lesson, lol am i too good?
this is standard 1 classroom. standard 1 students in this school = kindergarten 3 years old. they never listen to people and we never understand what are they talking about, really hard to teach man...
this is standard 2 classroom which is the smallest classroom. really very small, always not enough space for me to run around to catch students, er i mean take them to their seats lol
butterfly classroom = standard 4 classroom. hmm.. i forgot what insect represent standard 2 and 1, if i m not mistaken i think is dragonfly and beetle...
ah ha!! this was the "rotan" i used to beat them coz my ruler was broken when beating them.. its sponge actually, not pain 1, just use to scare them, hahaha...
their timetablethe last day i taught them was thursday which means i got only 1 mathematics lesson in standard 4. (the E represent me)
this is the piano my colleague use to teach them. i seldom enter this room coz they always lock it up to avoid students go inside and play..
hmm.. the one in that picture was my colleague. She received quite a lot of honors and awards for music. envy-nya~~
this is the sofa placed in the piano room. i was curious about this, wondering why they want to buy a sofa since nobody gonna use it wert... hmm.. in my point of view, i think my boss use it to nap lo, coz everytime i saw him went into the room for quite a long time, hmm, sleeping inside there for sure XD
this was the picture i took long long time ago. they are standard 1 students, actually got 10 of them but that day 5 of them were absent. these students are damn rich 1 man, especially the two sitting in front, their parents are very very very sayang them coz they are the only child they have, sayang dao wa beh tahan...
this was my office. the table with some "flowers" was my desk and the desk in front of me was my colleague which 2 years younger than me. she is also a fan of anime oh, we both like anime from 宫崎骏, hohoho.. the chair which covered with a brown coat was my another colleague(my boss gf) desk, she was sooooo nice to me and totally different from my boss, she is quite pretty and plays excellent in piano. (She used to perfom piano for Agong oh..)
this is my boss desk. nothing to describe. =.=
see? my desk was soooo near to my boss, thats why i cannot do anything when he was there, he likes to observe what we do during work time. sigh.. soooo much pressure man...
this is standard 4 classroom which is also the largest classroom. i used to sit on the small little chair and mark their books, haha... notice the 2 tables that near the windows? it was specially made for the 2 naughtiest kids in standard 4 so that they wont run here and there but they never sit there during my lesson, lol am i too good?
this is standard 1 classroom. standard 1 students in this school = kindergarten 3 years old. they never listen to people and we never understand what are they talking about, really hard to teach man...
this is standard 2 classroom which is the smallest classroom. really very small, always not enough space for me to run around to catch students, er i mean take them to their seats lol
butterfly classroom = standard 4 classroom. hmm.. i forgot what insect represent standard 2 and 1, if i m not mistaken i think is dragonfly and beetle...
ah ha!! this was the "rotan" i used to beat them coz my ruler was broken when beating them.. its sponge actually, not pain 1, just use to scare them, hahaha...
their timetablethe last day i taught them was thursday which means i got only 1 mathematics lesson in standard 4. (the E represent me)
this is the piano my colleague use to teach them. i seldom enter this room coz they always lock it up to avoid students go inside and play..
hmm.. the one in that picture was my colleague. She received quite a lot of honors and awards for music. envy-nya~~
this is the sofa placed in the piano room. i was curious about this, wondering why they want to buy a sofa since nobody gonna use it wert... hmm.. in my point of view, i think my boss use it to nap lo, coz everytime i saw him went into the room for quite a long time, hmm, sleeping inside there for sure XD
this was the picture i took long long time ago. they are standard 1 students, actually got 10 of them but that day 5 of them were absent. these students are damn rich 1 man, especially the two sitting in front, their parents are very very very sayang them coz they are the only child they have, sayang dao wa beh tahan...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mama day~
昨天的母亲节我没买什么礼物给妈咪 (因为我妈咪最喜欢的是$$$ ^o^)but 我请了全家人去某 karaoke 唱 K (除了那个睡得像猪的妹妹),我可是从来都没和家人去唱过 K 的咧,这次难得趁着母亲节可以去唱一唱,我那个笨小妹可是兴奋到在前一晚死命傻笑,也难怪啦,她长这么大都没去过 karaoke, 好像山巴妹酱,真是服了她。。
江江江江!!!我老爸的样子终于都曝光啦,哇哈哈,多亏我这个狗仔队女儿啦,呵呵。。他可是很认真地唱着自己的歌喔,不过都是老歌啦,而且都是 Bee Gees 的英文歌,全部都是我没听过的,真的很老哦,哈哈。。不过他也会一些“新歌”啦,他竟然会点张栋梁的黄昏哦,我跟我妈都笑翻了,哈哈哈哈。。。
这些都是我们的午餐啦,不过食物真的“麻麻地”咯,连我家小妹都看不上眼的食物还真的不怎么好吃啦。。(有注意到桌上的麦克风吗?全部都有包一层 tisu , 因为不像某 karaoke 酱有提供包麦克风的套套,所以我们就自己用 tisu 包住,因为怕肮脏,呵呵。。)
这就是我家的 Agong --尊贵的妈咪啦!!嘻嘻。。她点的歌不算老啦,至少我还会唱啦,好像正在唱的这首“姐姐妹妹站起来”,我唱到倒地,哈哈。。没想到有人会点酱的歌,我那天的歌路完全改变,全程笑翻。。
呐,这就是我家笨小妹啦!!她 high 到站在上面唱,好像真的很 enjoy 的说。。。 ^^
这对母女档,呃,应该是美女档,嘻嘻。。还蛮认真投入的嘛。。她们一起唱老歌呢,还是我妈的饮歌--心动,难怪笨小妹会唱啦,我妈每天哼每天哼,搞到连我也会唱,哈哈。。还好我们有共同歌曲(不是共同歌路哦,我没那么老。。),而且那位 auntie 还会蛮多流行歌,好像喜帖街、大哥、你不是真正的快乐还有说好的幸福呢她都会唱,不愧是超 in 的 auntie 啦,佩服佩服。。Orz
哈哈,看到这张照片真的笑死我,你知道他们在唱什么歌吗?是刘家昌和尤雅的合唱曲--在雨中。这首超超超经典老歌是我妈特地点来跟老爸合唱的,因为我爸不大会华语歌,这首应该是他唯一会唱的男女对唱歌吧,看到他们两个唱到那么投入真的笑死我,哇哈哈哈哈。。。 XD
那一天是我有史以来唱最多老歌的一天了,什么朋友、过火、记事本、一人有一个梦想之类的,真是爆笑死。。。晚上我们约阿姨 一起吃火锅,她也意思意思送了一个手表给妈咪 as 母亲节礼物,感觉怪怪的,哈哈。。不过一整天都是以笑声度过,还不错啦,只要妈咪开心就好。。难得有一天可以孝顺一下,当然要开开心心的咯。。
江江江江!!!我老爸的样子终于都曝光啦,哇哈哈,多亏我这个狗仔队女儿啦,呵呵。。他可是很认真地唱着自己的歌喔,不过都是老歌啦,而且都是 Bee Gees 的英文歌,全部都是我没听过的,真的很老哦,哈哈。。不过他也会一些“新歌”啦,他竟然会点张栋梁的黄昏哦,我跟我妈都笑翻了,哈哈哈哈。。。
这些都是我们的午餐啦,不过食物真的“麻麻地”咯,连我家小妹都看不上眼的食物还真的不怎么好吃啦。。(有注意到桌上的麦克风吗?全部都有包一层 tisu , 因为不像某 karaoke 酱有提供包麦克风的套套,所以我们就自己用 tisu 包住,因为怕肮脏,呵呵。。)
这就是我家的 Agong --尊贵的妈咪啦!!嘻嘻。。她点的歌不算老啦,至少我还会唱啦,好像正在唱的这首“姐姐妹妹站起来”,我唱到倒地,哈哈。。没想到有人会点酱的歌,我那天的歌路完全改变,全程笑翻。。
呐,这就是我家笨小妹啦!!她 high 到站在上面唱,好像真的很 enjoy 的说。。。 ^^
这对母女档,呃,应该是美女档,嘻嘻。。还蛮认真投入的嘛。。她们一起唱老歌呢,还是我妈的饮歌--心动,难怪笨小妹会唱啦,我妈每天哼每天哼,搞到连我也会唱,哈哈。。还好我们有共同歌曲(不是共同歌路哦,我没那么老。。),而且那位 auntie 还会蛮多流行歌,好像喜帖街、大哥、你不是真正的快乐还有说好的幸福呢她都会唱,不愧是超 in 的 auntie 啦,佩服佩服。。Orz
哈哈,看到这张照片真的笑死我,你知道他们在唱什么歌吗?是刘家昌和尤雅的合唱曲--在雨中。这首超超超经典老歌是我妈特地点来跟老爸合唱的,因为我爸不大会华语歌,这首应该是他唯一会唱的男女对唱歌吧,看到他们两个唱到那么投入真的笑死我,哇哈哈哈哈。。。 XD
那一天是我有史以来唱最多老歌的一天了,什么朋友、过火、记事本、一人有一个梦想之类的,真是爆笑死。。。晚上我们约阿姨 一起吃火锅,她也意思意思送了一个手表给妈咪 as 母亲节礼物,感觉怪怪的,哈哈。。不过一整天都是以笑声度过,还不错啦,只要妈咪开心就好。。难得有一天可以孝顺一下,当然要开开心心的咯。。
Monday, May 4, 2009
no more working!!!!!
wahahaha... i think everyone knows that I had quit my job ba... wahahaha, so happy of me~~~ never feel sooooo free before, I can do whatever I want, I can wake up and eat at anytime I want, I can watch drama and play games and shopping and sleep and day dream whenever I wanted to do so!!!!! wahahaha... (ki siao me~)
I've never regret on my decision lo.. If this is the job I love and would like to do it for my whole life, I wouldnt feel so burdenless now, just like let go of something heavy and suffering me all the time..
Although I was quite enjoyed my teaching la but I really cannot handle office job wei... not suitable for me.. what I can say is 入错行啦!!maybe be a teacher I still got a bit interest la but office lady, 呵呵。。 not my cup of tea.. no freedom no rights, everyday live like robot, like doll, like zombie, like shit!!!!!
I cant stand without my pride...
sorry boss, I know I was not a good employee but at least I was a helpful one right? thanks for letting me learnt so much, I know that actually you are a good guy(always belanja me makan minum), just that your attitude.... ehem ehem la.. sorry for scolding you so much in my blog but I would never do this again since I quit jo, wahaha..
anyway, thanks my boss, thanks my collegues and teachers who always lend me a helpful hand!!! I am gonna miss you guys a lot!!!!
I've never regret on my decision lo.. If this is the job I love and would like to do it for my whole life, I wouldnt feel so burdenless now, just like let go of something heavy and suffering me all the time..
Although I was quite enjoyed my teaching la but I really cannot handle office job wei... not suitable for me.. what I can say is 入错行啦!!maybe be a teacher I still got a bit interest la but office lady, 呵呵。。 not my cup of tea.. no freedom no rights, everyday live like robot, like doll, like zombie, like shit!!!!!
I cant stand without my pride...
sorry boss, I know I was not a good employee but at least I was a helpful one right? thanks for letting me learnt so much, I know that actually you are a good guy(always belanja me makan minum), just that your attitude.... ehem ehem la.. sorry for scolding you so much in my blog but I would never do this again since I quit jo, wahaha..
anyway, thanks my boss, thanks my collegues and teachers who always lend me a helpful hand!!! I am gonna miss you guys a lot!!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
kena tipu!!!
今天有位老师没来所以我就代替她的位子帮她代课(从早上一直骂骂骂,骂到放工,真是累到。。)所以我从早上就一直在楼上教书,到下午才下来office一下做手头上的job, 没想到就在这个时候我的 collegue 说等下会有位家长要来报名幼儿园,要我准备一下。我当时没多想,反正是 collegue 约见面的,应该是安全的吧。。
当那个家长来到时,我看她手上抱着一个 baby, 旁边又有位看起来好像 form 1 的女儿,so 就觉得 ok 可以让她进来。过后当我交form 给她填时她竟然说抱着 baby 不方便,要我帮她填,我也不以为意帮她填咯,毕竞是 customer 嘛。。
她那时一直说很赶等下要见客叫我们快一点(她说在 old town white coffee 附近新开了间boutique喔,都不知是不是真的。。),我和我的collegue 就有点手忙脚乱帮她处理这个处理那个,我就一直忙着帮她填form,她说她的两个女儿要报名,还有一个是朋友的儿子,我就帮她填资料,她还把IC交给我填,然后又给我手提号码,好像很热忱酱,而且又没有问学费就报名,怎知。。。。。
她填完后说要先回去见客,过后才拿cheque 过来,要我们准备衣服书包之类的,我们就一直说ok, ok, ok 咯。结果她回去后,是有打过一次电话来问价钱,不过问到一半就断线了。我们之后打电话过去就再也打不通了。。 after that 我们就发现我桌子上那个小小个,公司专用的handphone 不见了!!我找了整个office 都找不到,心想不知是不是有人偷走了,可是其他的东西也没有不见啊,我桌上的 camera 没有不见,so 就一直很疑惑到底去了哪里。。
后来过了几个小时我的 collegue 就说可能是刚才那个家长偷走了,我们一直联络不到她,我就吓到一下。。then 赶快去检查那张form, 发现很多疑点:她来时说自己是 ms wong, 可是填的资料是女儿姓 mok, 自己的IC 姓 tham, 哪里有可能咧?还有就是她说她女儿今年3岁,资料却写2004年出生,照理说今年应该5岁了啊,而且她从来没问关于课程啊学费啊那些应该问的问题,我当时真的是气到。。
为什么当时没有注意到咧?不会是被迷傻了吧。。真的很笨咯,酱多疑点酱容易拆穿的诈骗我竟然会上当!!以前看报纸是有讲过有个妇女带着孩子在 puchong 骗过很多间幼儿园,没想到今天竟然骗到我这里来!!真的是气死我!!
不过幸好只给她偷走了很旧的 samxxxx handphone, 其他东西没有不见,我的bag 幸好是放在桌子下面不是椅子上,不然真的是损失惨重!!唉!连酱ciplak 的handphone 也要偷,现在真的是世风日下,世界都不知变到什么样子去了!!
今天老板不在所以也没有责怪,不过明天就不知道咯。。还好我明天 on leave, 不然真的会被 shoot 到。。。如果星期三回去老板还要继续骂的话,herk!!!! 我就跟那个臭笨蛋家长势不两立,有不共戴天之仇!!连我都敢骗!不要再给我看到她!!不然真的会要她的命!!这世上是有因果的!!真的希望苍天保佑她,让她长命百岁,疾病缠身,被孩子背弃,有样学样,把她丢去做乞丐,乞食终老,横死街边!!哇哈哈哈哈。。(不要怀疑,全是我的肺腑之言,皆因我被骗到 sot 了。。。)
今天有位老师没来所以我就代替她的位子帮她代课(从早上一直骂骂骂,骂到放工,真是累到。。)所以我从早上就一直在楼上教书,到下午才下来office一下做手头上的job, 没想到就在这个时候我的 collegue 说等下会有位家长要来报名幼儿园,要我准备一下。我当时没多想,反正是 collegue 约见面的,应该是安全的吧。。
当那个家长来到时,我看她手上抱着一个 baby, 旁边又有位看起来好像 form 1 的女儿,so 就觉得 ok 可以让她进来。过后当我交form 给她填时她竟然说抱着 baby 不方便,要我帮她填,我也不以为意帮她填咯,毕竞是 customer 嘛。。
她那时一直说很赶等下要见客叫我们快一点(她说在 old town white coffee 附近新开了间boutique喔,都不知是不是真的。。),我和我的collegue 就有点手忙脚乱帮她处理这个处理那个,我就一直忙着帮她填form,她说她的两个女儿要报名,还有一个是朋友的儿子,我就帮她填资料,她还把IC交给我填,然后又给我手提号码,好像很热忱酱,而且又没有问学费就报名,怎知。。。。。
她填完后说要先回去见客,过后才拿cheque 过来,要我们准备衣服书包之类的,我们就一直说ok, ok, ok 咯。结果她回去后,是有打过一次电话来问价钱,不过问到一半就断线了。我们之后打电话过去就再也打不通了。。 after that 我们就发现我桌子上那个小小个,公司专用的handphone 不见了!!我找了整个office 都找不到,心想不知是不是有人偷走了,可是其他的东西也没有不见啊,我桌上的 camera 没有不见,so 就一直很疑惑到底去了哪里。。
后来过了几个小时我的 collegue 就说可能是刚才那个家长偷走了,我们一直联络不到她,我就吓到一下。。then 赶快去检查那张form, 发现很多疑点:她来时说自己是 ms wong, 可是填的资料是女儿姓 mok, 自己的IC 姓 tham, 哪里有可能咧?还有就是她说她女儿今年3岁,资料却写2004年出生,照理说今年应该5岁了啊,而且她从来没问关于课程啊学费啊那些应该问的问题,我当时真的是气到。。
为什么当时没有注意到咧?不会是被迷傻了吧。。真的很笨咯,酱多疑点酱容易拆穿的诈骗我竟然会上当!!以前看报纸是有讲过有个妇女带着孩子在 puchong 骗过很多间幼儿园,没想到今天竟然骗到我这里来!!真的是气死我!!
不过幸好只给她偷走了很旧的 samxxxx handphone, 其他东西没有不见,我的bag 幸好是放在桌子下面不是椅子上,不然真的是损失惨重!!唉!连酱ciplak 的handphone 也要偷,现在真的是世风日下,世界都不知变到什么样子去了!!
今天老板不在所以也没有责怪,不过明天就不知道咯。。还好我明天 on leave, 不然真的会被 shoot 到。。。如果星期三回去老板还要继续骂的话,herk!!!! 我就跟那个臭笨蛋家长势不两立,有不共戴天之仇!!连我都敢骗!不要再给我看到她!!不然真的会要她的命!!这世上是有因果的!!真的希望苍天保佑她,让她长命百岁,疾病缠身,被孩子背弃,有样学样,把她丢去做乞丐,乞食终老,横死街边!!哇哈哈哈哈。。(不要怀疑,全是我的肺腑之言,皆因我被骗到 sot 了。。。)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hang out
sorry for late update~
last Sunday I was hanging out with Mok n SM at IOI Mall, although we were choosing neither MV nor Pyramid but actually quite happy also la coz me really been long long time didn't hang out with my buddies leh, got chance to go out consider very good jo.. ^^
Actually I want to watch "Confession of A Shopaholic" or "The Unborn" but that small cinema doesn't show both of these movies!! what the!!! @#$%^& 难得出来也看不到我要的电影!!!
So no choice 3 of us have to choose either "Knowing" or "Shinjuku Incident" and the final decision is the supernatural thriller movie---> "Knowing" starring Nicholas Cage. At 1st this movie not bad ler, quite scary & curious but at the end quite weird la, don't know why so sudden end like this 1.. weird..
Its talking about the predictions of a little girl for the past 50 years by using numbers. Those numbers are dates, tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster for that 50 years and there will be 3 more disasters which will lead to the end of the world. So the professor-- Nicholas Cage has to save his son from the disaster. But at the end....... he has to face an ultimate sacrifice...
The effect quite good ler, those graphic really amazed me, like I was watching 3D, haha.. but quite scary lar, Mok & me were frightened by the little girl and the scenes leh, haha..
After the movie we went to Daiso Japan in new wing there. Those stuffs quite cheap la but I couldn't found what I want.. Sigh.. After that when we went to eat pizza SM saw her cute little students there and she was trying to say hello to them but I think they were shy to smile back la, yor, soooooo cute man... like japanese ler.. ><
And when we were hanging around the mall Mok saw her students too, za dao.. why everyone so easy to meet their students in shopping mall 1? Very 尴尬ler... Luckily I didn't meet any "special kids" there, if not I really don't know how to respond lol
Below are some photos from the movie:
last Sunday I was hanging out with Mok n SM at IOI Mall, although we were choosing neither MV nor Pyramid but actually quite happy also la coz me really been long long time didn't hang out with my buddies leh, got chance to go out consider very good jo.. ^^
Actually I want to watch "Confession of A Shopaholic" or "The Unborn" but that small cinema doesn't show both of these movies!! what the!!! @#$%^& 难得出来也看不到我要的电影!!!
So no choice 3 of us have to choose either "Knowing" or "Shinjuku Incident" and the final decision is the supernatural thriller movie---> "Knowing" starring Nicholas Cage. At 1st this movie not bad ler, quite scary & curious but at the end quite weird la, don't know why so sudden end like this 1.. weird..
Its talking about the predictions of a little girl for the past 50 years by using numbers. Those numbers are dates, tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster for that 50 years and there will be 3 more disasters which will lead to the end of the world. So the professor-- Nicholas Cage has to save his son from the disaster. But at the end....... he has to face an ultimate sacrifice...
The effect quite good ler, those graphic really amazed me, like I was watching 3D, haha.. but quite scary lar, Mok & me were frightened by the little girl and the scenes leh, haha..
After the movie we went to Daiso Japan in new wing there. Those stuffs quite cheap la but I couldn't found what I want.. Sigh.. After that when we went to eat pizza SM saw her cute little students there and she was trying to say hello to them but I think they were shy to smile back la, yor, soooooo cute man... like japanese ler.. ><
And when we were hanging around the mall Mok saw her students too, za dao.. why everyone so easy to meet their students in shopping mall 1? Very 尴尬ler... Luckily I didn't meet any "special kids" there, if not I really don't know how to respond lol
Below are some photos from the movie:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
yor..... I've been waited for so long, everytime me also scare to say, sooooo useless man.. but last last week fianlly I passed the resignation letter to my senior colleague, she said she couldn't make any decision about this coz since I didn't give 1 month notice as what the contract mentioned, so they have to discuss 1st then only decide whether my resign approved or not..
死啦!! Me so scare leh, scare they really dont wana let me go ler, haih, and yeah things happened as what I expected.. They really have had a meeting about this and the final decision was---- I must work til the end of April if I want my March salary... T.T
Haiz... Who ask me til now only resign, sure cannot give 1 month notice lor, sure cannot leave in end of March lor... Haiz... Kena scold some more, cannot get my March salary some more, haih... 自己拿来衰的,唉~
But he really scold very teruk man... “你酱子等于是出卖我你知道吗?讲好了做到5月尾的吗,什么意思现在?你签的agreement 当作是废纸是吗?你在欺骗我欺骗公司咧!你酱子拍拍屁股就走人那那些工作怎么办?因为你所以要停在那边啊?讲一句我要读书就可以走啊?如果我是那间学校啊,本来录取你啊,然后在开学前一天跟你讲你不用来啊我们reject你啊,酱你会怎样?是不是会气死?”
“不是讲我贪钱啦,我不在乎这些的!不过我用钱请你回来就是希望你可以帮到公司吗!你觉得我用酱的薪水请你值得吗?RM1200咧!不是小数目你知道吗?连做了很多年的老师都没有你酱高薪啊!我不觉得我给少你咯!你自己想啦!你觉得你值这个价咩?你去外面问问看,刚刚毕业又没有经验的有你酱高薪吗?而且你是 admin but 我给你做的工作都是很简单的咧!是general clerk 做的咧!人家外面请general clerk 也是七八百吧了咧!你自己想啦!我有给少你咩?”
我无言咯,因为我是真的有错啦,who ask me to break the agreement wo, haih... but he really very 贱lo, 咒我进不到大学酱,and he scold 到very over leh, thought i don't know jiang, eh, I am STPM leh, not SPM leh, all my frens ar, at least got 1200 pay 1 leh, where got 800 so little wo, 骗我小孩子不知道啊!1200 only leh, want me work til dead meh? sot de...
“Ms Lee 啊我其实很欣赏你的文笔的,你是可以读书的人来的,不过啊从你做事看啊,你这个人啊,不会做人啊!读酱多书有什么用?这种人做不到大事的我跟你讲。为什么有人啊可以20多30岁就酱有钱做百万生意?为什么有些人穷一辈子?为什么有些人一世都住在taman kinrara?你看我就知道啦,那些跟我同年级的人啊,跟我谈不上两三句的(我的boss 30出头吧了),为什么?因为他们不会做事啦!现在的年轻人就是酱啦!做什么都不用负责任的!做到不爽拍拍屁股就走的!”
wah... he very cruel man, ya la, he really very young and already own a company but he never thought why his employees never stop changing 1 oh, the one who work the longest time was just only 3 months leh, he never thought that its his problem, never 反省 1, 现在还得罪全部住Taman Kinrara 的人咯,住在Taman Kinrara的就是穷人啦?他住Aman Sari 就很有钱啦?自己做到老板就是很geng啦?他还不是因为有一个做院长的妈妈当靠山,ceh, 酱geng搬去tropicana住啦笨!真是的!把人家踩到一文不值!没有想过自己有问题的!
after that he said he I can go whenver I want, “你要走啊现在就可以走的啦,去啦,去收拾你的东西走啦!酱你就不用给我骂了咯!不过我不会给你3月的薪水啊!coz you break the agreement 1st what for I want to give you your salary?" he said he will hold my March salary until I work til the end of April or at least got people take over my job, haih.. what to do? have to work lo...
haih... have to suffer for 1 more month... so regret for not telling them earlier, if not I can leave earlier and get my salary also... haih... 为什么我酱快就面对残酷的社会?我连大学都还没读咧,酱快就给我酱残忍的考验!!我的朋友都做到很爽咧,就算做到很累很闲很辛苦但至少不用对着酱的老板甚至还可以讲不要做就不用做那种,我咧?根本没得选咧,还要做到要生要死那种,唉!!怨叹啊!
死啦!! Me so scare leh, scare they really dont wana let me go ler, haih, and yeah things happened as what I expected.. They really have had a meeting about this and the final decision was---- I must work til the end of April if I want my March salary... T.T
Haiz... Who ask me til now only resign, sure cannot give 1 month notice lor, sure cannot leave in end of March lor... Haiz... Kena scold some more, cannot get my March salary some more, haih... 自己拿来衰的,唉~
But he really scold very teruk man... “你酱子等于是出卖我你知道吗?讲好了做到5月尾的吗,什么意思现在?你签的agreement 当作是废纸是吗?你在欺骗我欺骗公司咧!你酱子拍拍屁股就走人那那些工作怎么办?因为你所以要停在那边啊?讲一句我要读书就可以走啊?如果我是那间学校啊,本来录取你啊,然后在开学前一天跟你讲你不用来啊我们reject你啊,酱你会怎样?是不是会气死?”
“不是讲我贪钱啦,我不在乎这些的!不过我用钱请你回来就是希望你可以帮到公司吗!你觉得我用酱的薪水请你值得吗?RM1200咧!不是小数目你知道吗?连做了很多年的老师都没有你酱高薪啊!我不觉得我给少你咯!你自己想啦!你觉得你值这个价咩?你去外面问问看,刚刚毕业又没有经验的有你酱高薪吗?而且你是 admin but 我给你做的工作都是很简单的咧!是general clerk 做的咧!人家外面请general clerk 也是七八百吧了咧!你自己想啦!我有给少你咩?”
我无言咯,因为我是真的有错啦,who ask me to break the agreement wo, haih... but he really very 贱lo, 咒我进不到大学酱,and he scold 到very over leh, thought i don't know jiang, eh, I am STPM leh, not SPM leh, all my frens ar, at least got 1200 pay 1 leh, where got 800 so little wo, 骗我小孩子不知道啊!1200 only leh, want me work til dead meh? sot de...
“Ms Lee 啊我其实很欣赏你的文笔的,你是可以读书的人来的,不过啊从你做事看啊,你这个人啊,不会做人啊!读酱多书有什么用?这种人做不到大事的我跟你讲。为什么有人啊可以20多30岁就酱有钱做百万生意?为什么有些人穷一辈子?为什么有些人一世都住在taman kinrara?你看我就知道啦,那些跟我同年级的人啊,跟我谈不上两三句的(我的boss 30出头吧了),为什么?因为他们不会做事啦!现在的年轻人就是酱啦!做什么都不用负责任的!做到不爽拍拍屁股就走的!”
wah... he very cruel man, ya la, he really very young and already own a company but he never thought why his employees never stop changing 1 oh, the one who work the longest time was just only 3 months leh, he never thought that its his problem, never 反省 1, 现在还得罪全部住Taman Kinrara 的人咯,住在Taman Kinrara的就是穷人啦?他住Aman Sari 就很有钱啦?自己做到老板就是很geng啦?他还不是因为有一个做院长的妈妈当靠山,ceh, 酱geng搬去tropicana住啦笨!真是的!把人家踩到一文不值!没有想过自己有问题的!
after that he said he I can go whenver I want, “你要走啊现在就可以走的啦,去啦,去收拾你的东西走啦!酱你就不用给我骂了咯!不过我不会给你3月的薪水啊!coz you break the agreement 1st what for I want to give you your salary?" he said he will hold my March salary until I work til the end of April or at least got people take over my job, haih.. what to do? have to work lo...
haih... have to suffer for 1 more month... so regret for not telling them earlier, if not I can leave earlier and get my salary also... haih... 为什么我酱快就面对残酷的社会?我连大学都还没读咧,酱快就给我酱残忍的考验!!我的朋友都做到很爽咧,就算做到很累很闲很辛苦但至少不用对着酱的老板甚至还可以讲不要做就不用做那种,我咧?根本没得选咧,还要做到要生要死那种,唉!!怨叹啊!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
i forgot to upload these photos last time so decided to upload today. I think these photos taken on last last sunday ba, that day i went to pyramid shopping with my family..
I promised my aunt that i'll belanja her makan as to celebrate her birthday so we went to a sushi place, i think people who been there before know which place i'm talking about after seeing those photos.. ^^
that lunch spent me more than 100 bucks leh, luckily my dearest mom willing to share half half with me, if not i really pk lor...
dont know why my phone got this pic 1, I think my sis took it when she was trying a cap, dont wana waste it so i upload together.. ^^
this place got provide a computer for us to order food, easy & convenient, just that my mom dont know how to use it XD
this lamp really attracted me, just like kinda "nest lamp", haha..
I was having my Bibimbab in a sushi place ^o^
Now only i realized that my sis was posing the same pose with me LOL
is this the first time my mommy showing her cute face in my blog?? hmm.. have to keep it nicely then.. lol
I promised my aunt that i'll belanja her makan as to celebrate her birthday so we went to a sushi place, i think people who been there before know which place i'm talking about after seeing those photos.. ^^
that lunch spent me more than 100 bucks leh, luckily my dearest mom willing to share half half with me, if not i really pk lor...
dont know why my phone got this pic 1, I think my sis took it when she was trying a cap, dont wana waste it so i upload together.. ^^
this place got provide a computer for us to order food, easy & convenient, just that my mom dont know how to use it XD
this lamp really attracted me, just like kinda "nest lamp", haha..
I was having my Bibimbab in a sushi place ^o^
Now only i realized that my sis was posing the same pose with me LOL
is this the first time my mommy showing her cute face in my blog?? hmm.. have to keep it nicely then.. lol
Saturday, March 7, 2009
damn no mood today!!! kena shoot again!!!! this time very teruk man, use more than 2 hours to scold me, make me damn fish la~~~ T.T 不管啦!!我的怨恨一定要在blog发泄一下,不然会睡不着!!
真是的!什么都骂!!不是我的错也骂!!自己找不到hard disk cover 关我屁事咩!!明明就摆在自己座位上还要讲我为什么不懂他的东西在哪里, ceh! 我是 admin 咧,不是 secretary 咧, this kinda thing i need to handle also meh!!! like that also can scold!!! what the $#%@!!! when he couldn't found the cover 还讲什么“你到底在做什么的?问你什么都不懂!唉哟!我请你回来是要你帮我不是我帮你的咧!不然公司出粮给你做什么?没听过拿人钱财替人消灾啊?真是气死我!”
搞错!me no experienced 1 leh, 当初我来应征的是老师咧,又不是 admin! 我才19岁咧!请我的时候就知道我没经验啦,你 expect 我给你什么喔?我自问可以做到酱已经很好了咯,从什么都不懂做到现在可以应付琐碎的业务,还是自己学的那种,已经不错了咧!人家做 promoter 都有人指导了才开工的啦,我都没有咧,还讲我什么都不问,哎呀,我问了你不是又回答我“这些东西应该自己去find out 的嘛!” ceh, 酱我问来爽的啊?真是的!
when i said i need to take result on tues ar, he scold me also, said what “为什么我没有收到你的 leave application form 的?没有人跟我讲喔, 还没有 approve 的咧,为什么你酱迟才讲?那天office 没有人啊,你是不是又要重复 cny 那个事件?我不是不给你请假,只是你为什么这么迟才请?你知道什么是养兵千日,用在一时吗?你不是做一两个礼拜了咧...”
其实我 thursday night 才知道的咯,of coz friday 才 apply 啦,然后我交给 senior approve 了才可以给的嘛,刚好senior 又在忙,当然赶不及pass 上去啦,唉..... he even ask me “must take 1 ar? cannot postpone meh? cannot take on other day ar? do you think now is the right time to take leave? we r getting more & more busy now you know?我已经很好人了咧,外面大公司的你都没看见识过啊,那些老板啊,直接叫你明天不用来上班的咧!我现在是装钱进你口袋啊!做人不能够酱的,公司出钱给你,你就要有所贡献啊,不是要我迁就你而是你来迁就我的吗!”
ok lo, 酱我不是用 lunch time 去咯, 我当时是哽咽地在讲咧, 给他骂到差点要哭出来了咯,只差眼泪还没掉下来吧了,他还问我 “你确定 lunch time 够时间咩?而且如果那时刚好有家长来询问怎么办?谁来 handle? ” 唉,给他讲到酱,我还敢去拿咩?真是的,是人都担心自己的 result 的啦,拿成绩好像有错酱,还讲什么“现在是 goverment pay you or i pay you? 你要怪就去怪 goverment 为什么好出不出要在那天才出成绩啦!”
给他从两点骂骂骂,骂到四点多才放人,害我一大堆东西还没做完,赶到半死,没做完又再被骂,唉!!钱难赚啊!!当全部人都下班后,我一个人坐在 office 独自地哭哭哭哭哭泣.......
有受委屈的感觉咯,从来都没有人酱对待过我,现在真的觉得社会很现实咯,在外面没有人会撑你,只能自己承受,唉.... 我宁愿给学生气到呕血,气到爆血管都不想给人骂到无地自容.... 妈妈说做到酱不开心,叫我下个礼拜就炒掉老板鱿鱼喔,因为需要 one month notice so next week resign 就 ngam 的啦.... hmm.. 其实院长对我很好的咯,只是我的老板很strict 又 yim jim 吧了,唉!都不懂如何是好.....
真是的!什么都骂!!不是我的错也骂!!自己找不到hard disk cover 关我屁事咩!!明明就摆在自己座位上还要讲我为什么不懂他的东西在哪里, ceh! 我是 admin 咧,不是 secretary 咧, this kinda thing i need to handle also meh!!! like that also can scold!!! what the $#%@!!! when he couldn't found the cover 还讲什么“你到底在做什么的?问你什么都不懂!唉哟!我请你回来是要你帮我不是我帮你的咧!不然公司出粮给你做什么?没听过拿人钱财替人消灾啊?真是气死我!”
搞错!me no experienced 1 leh, 当初我来应征的是老师咧,又不是 admin! 我才19岁咧!请我的时候就知道我没经验啦,你 expect 我给你什么喔?我自问可以做到酱已经很好了咯,从什么都不懂做到现在可以应付琐碎的业务,还是自己学的那种,已经不错了咧!人家做 promoter 都有人指导了才开工的啦,我都没有咧,还讲我什么都不问,哎呀,我问了你不是又回答我“这些东西应该自己去find out 的嘛!” ceh, 酱我问来爽的啊?真是的!
when i said i need to take result on tues ar, he scold me also, said what “为什么我没有收到你的 leave application form 的?没有人跟我讲喔, 还没有 approve 的咧,为什么你酱迟才讲?那天office 没有人啊,你是不是又要重复 cny 那个事件?我不是不给你请假,只是你为什么这么迟才请?你知道什么是养兵千日,用在一时吗?你不是做一两个礼拜了咧...”
其实我 thursday night 才知道的咯,of coz friday 才 apply 啦,然后我交给 senior approve 了才可以给的嘛,刚好senior 又在忙,当然赶不及pass 上去啦,唉..... he even ask me “must take 1 ar? cannot postpone meh? cannot take on other day ar? do you think now is the right time to take leave? we r getting more & more busy now you know?我已经很好人了咧,外面大公司的你都没看见识过啊,那些老板啊,直接叫你明天不用来上班的咧!我现在是装钱进你口袋啊!做人不能够酱的,公司出钱给你,你就要有所贡献啊,不是要我迁就你而是你来迁就我的吗!”
ok lo, 酱我不是用 lunch time 去咯, 我当时是哽咽地在讲咧, 给他骂到差点要哭出来了咯,只差眼泪还没掉下来吧了,他还问我 “你确定 lunch time 够时间咩?而且如果那时刚好有家长来询问怎么办?谁来 handle? ” 唉,给他讲到酱,我还敢去拿咩?真是的,是人都担心自己的 result 的啦,拿成绩好像有错酱,还讲什么“现在是 goverment pay you or i pay you? 你要怪就去怪 goverment 为什么好出不出要在那天才出成绩啦!”
给他从两点骂骂骂,骂到四点多才放人,害我一大堆东西还没做完,赶到半死,没做完又再被骂,唉!!钱难赚啊!!当全部人都下班后,我一个人坐在 office 独自地哭哭哭哭哭泣.......
有受委屈的感觉咯,从来都没有人酱对待过我,现在真的觉得社会很现实咯,在外面没有人会撑你,只能自己承受,唉.... 我宁愿给学生气到呕血,气到爆血管都不想给人骂到无地自容.... 妈妈说做到酱不开心,叫我下个礼拜就炒掉老板鱿鱼喔,因为需要 one month notice so next week resign 就 ngam 的啦.... hmm.. 其实院长对我很好的咯,只是我的老板很strict 又 yim jim 吧了,唉!都不懂如何是好.....
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
continue update
now is time to upload another 1-----> a small gathering with ma gang~~~
我真的真的很久都没和我那gang 联络了,很久没见面,很久没聊天,很久没唱K, 很久没逛街,还有很多很久很久没一起做的傻婆事了,想起中六生活,虽然辛苦, 但真的很怀念啊!!! 至少我们是有福同享、有难同当!!怎样都好过现在的生活吧!每天都要受老板气,受学生气,唉.....
我们上个拜六在puchong 的 一间“老镇咖啡店”里举办了一个小型聚会 (这个聚会还是我提议的呢,多亏我不然大家都不知合时能再见呢 ^o^) 出席的当然就是那几位咯---> ivy, chen chen, adeboey, soo mun, ah mok 还有我。 虽然当天下着雨,不过还好每位成员都有出席,连最大牌的梅姐和袁姐也很赏脸地冒着雨来,真是感激不尽啊!!小女在这向你们一鞠躬!!^o^
虽然这次见面后不知什么时候能再见,不过我想应该很快吧,因为STPM 成绩即将公布,到时我们一定会玩到够本的!!哈哈.... 那天都不知是喜还是忧咯.....
我真的真的很久都没和我那gang 联络了,很久没见面,很久没聊天,很久没唱K, 很久没逛街,还有很多很久很久没一起做的傻婆事了,想起中六生活,虽然辛苦, 但真的很怀念啊!!! 至少我们是有福同享、有难同当!!怎样都好过现在的生活吧!每天都要受老板气,受学生气,唉.....
我们上个拜六在puchong 的 一间“老镇咖啡店”里举办了一个小型聚会 (这个聚会还是我提议的呢,多亏我不然大家都不知合时能再见呢 ^o^) 出席的当然就是那几位咯---> ivy, chen chen, adeboey, soo mun, ah mok 还有我。 虽然当天下着雨,不过还好每位成员都有出席,连最大牌的梅姐和袁姐也很赏脸地冒着雨来,真是感激不尽啊!!小女在这向你们一鞠躬!!^o^
虽然这次见面后不知什么时候能再见,不过我想应该很快吧,因为STPM 成绩即将公布,到时我们一定会玩到够本的!!哈哈.... 那天都不知是喜还是忧咯.....
update update update
hey yo!!!! my little bloggy!!! sorry for letting u hungry, never feed u accordingly since last year, no wonder look so skinny now, haha.. lol okay la, i promise to feed my bloggy at least once a week, if not it really gonna die soon.. XD
hmm.. let's see what can i write today.... hmm.. i can upload my phooooootos (although lots of photos to upload but i could have save more time to write ^o^)
below are "war trophies" taken on sunday (i forgot which sunday ^^") which that day i went to shopping at IOI Mall, although just shop around a small complex but already very happy coz since working i prefer to rest at home rather than go out ^^
this was the most satisfied thing i had bought, really worth buying, thick & nice, till now i still havent finish reading, some more my S.H.E gt more than 6 pages leh, really syok lo~~~
these 2 stuffs my mommy bought in that BXXX shop, one is for me and another 1 is hers, u know what? these 2 little bottles cost around 100+ leh, sooooo expensive...
these 2 pants i bought in NXCHXX shop, one is slim fit pants another 1 is short pants. these 2 pants also cost more than 100+ leh.. luckily my mommy paid for me if not really pk lol
hmm.. let's see what can i write today.... hmm.. i can upload my phooooootos (although lots of photos to upload but i could have save more time to write ^o^)
below are "war trophies" taken on sunday (i forgot which sunday ^^") which that day i went to shopping at IOI Mall, although just shop around a small complex but already very happy coz since working i prefer to rest at home rather than go out ^^
this was the most satisfied thing i had bought, really worth buying, thick & nice, till now i still havent finish reading, some more my S.H.E gt more than 6 pages leh, really syok lo~~~
these 2 stuffs my mommy bought in that BXXX shop, one is for me and another 1 is hers, u know what? these 2 little bottles cost around 100+ leh, sooooo expensive...
these 2 pants i bought in NXCHXX shop, one is slim fit pants another 1 is short pants. these 2 pants also cost more than 100+ leh.. luckily my mommy paid for me if not really pk lol
Friday, February 27, 2009
Makan makan
sorry for my late update. Its been long long time ago and now only i remember to upload my makan makan photos, sorry my buddies!!!! (and those perak trip 1 ar, i also 4gt neh, pai seh ar ^^, if u guys still want the photos leh, juz go facebook there and tag la, sorry oh.. ^^")
I juz upload only lo, not much description la cuz after working very tired and sleepy neh, photos below were taken on the last day of cny which was Chinese so-called "chap goh mei" (not the 2nd gathering 1 ar, that 1 still in process, sorry again..). We went to teapot house eat steamboat and play mahjong. What a happy day~~
Hohoho.. That day finally i knew how to play mahjong leh, really addicted to it man... Long time didnt touch those little cubes ler since teapot went back to aus, really miss them oh XD
haih.. Suan le ba, play online 1 also quite syok la, hehe..
I juz upload only lo, not much description la cuz after working very tired and sleepy neh, photos below were taken on the last day of cny which was Chinese so-called "chap goh mei" (not the 2nd gathering 1 ar, that 1 still in process, sorry again..). We went to teapot house eat steamboat and play mahjong. What a happy day~~
Hohoho.. That day finally i knew how to play mahjong leh, really addicted to it man... Long time didnt touch those little cubes ler since teapot went back to aus, really miss them oh XD
haih.. Suan le ba, play online 1 also quite syok la, hehe..
Saturday, February 14, 2009
working place
hey yo! nothing to update so juz upload this photo and let guys see what is my office look like, i mean, my table.. ^^ this is my working table, quite neat rite? coz this photo i took it long long time ago, now already very messy, coz too many works to do, lots of documents and files on my table til i cant find where is my handphone, haha.. (the pink color little bag in the pic is my handphone)
but i didnt take any photo since that coz really very busy la, everyday lots of works to do, although sounds easy job la, like type complaining letter, prepare document, make calls, fax, write report, do some simple account, etc. bt this kinda things already make me mad leh, u know la, me not professional 1 leh, only a STPM girl(not even got the result yet), nothing inside me 1, except some science thing, but my job not even related to PV=nRT leh!!!!
some more everyday kena shoot by boss, "u have to be more aggressive, dont always want me to ask you then only you do"(no experience ma), "you have to keep everything P&C, not simply give other people our company's address"(what?! address also cannot?!), "i found that you always blur blur 1, what also dont know, if you still cannot improve ar then i better hire other people"(i really dont know ma, want me to pretend what wo=.=)
haiz... 读书难!!赚钱,更难啊!!!everyday stress stress stress!!! although i teach for only 3 hours at noon but i really feel more happier when teaching those "abnormal students", although everyone of them got some mentally problems like ADHD, PDD or autism (i think is kinda psychology terms) but they are really very cute!!! at least better than my boss la....
i really do enjoy teaching, i even have a thought that i want to study something related to education, especially for special education, but that's only thought la, i dont know whether i can handle or not, maybe i ll gone mad after teaching for more than half years, haha.. but i really love them though, they are so cute~~
wah.. at 1st i just want to upload the photo but unconsciously me already wrote so much, haha.. am i complain too much?? lol
but i didnt take any photo since that coz really very busy la, everyday lots of works to do, although sounds easy job la, like type complaining letter, prepare document, make calls, fax, write report, do some simple account, etc. bt this kinda things already make me mad leh, u know la, me not professional 1 leh, only a STPM girl(not even got the result yet), nothing inside me 1, except some science thing, but my job not even related to PV=nRT leh!!!!
some more everyday kena shoot by boss, "u have to be more aggressive, dont always want me to ask you then only you do"(no experience ma), "you have to keep everything P&C, not simply give other people our company's address"(what?! address also cannot?!), "i found that you always blur blur 1, what also dont know, if you still cannot improve ar then i better hire other people"(i really dont know ma, want me to pretend what wo=.=)
haiz... 读书难!!赚钱,更难啊!!!everyday stress stress stress!!! although i teach for only 3 hours at noon but i really feel more happier when teaching those "abnormal students", although everyone of them got some mentally problems like ADHD, PDD or autism (i think is kinda psychology terms) but they are really very cute!!! at least better than my boss la....
i really do enjoy teaching, i even have a thought that i want to study something related to education, especially for special education, but that's only thought la, i dont know whether i can handle or not, maybe i ll gone mad after teaching for more than half years, haha.. but i really love them though, they are so cute~~
wah.. at 1st i just want to upload the photo but unconsciously me already wrote so much, haha.. am i complain too much?? lol
Monday, February 9, 2009
mOo MoO yEaR~
Hey juz change a new layout, is it ok ar? i edit by myself leh, idiot like me also can do this kinda thing really miracle man.. pls leave comment if u think its not nice, i ll try to improve it..
ok time to upload photos, these photos i took during cny at my grandma house, please enjoy~
wah! gambling ar! Ohhhh....XD actualy they were juz learning n playing la, no money 1, dont cal 999 oh.. btw, their expressions were so funny~ (os of everyone: gosh! which 1 should i take out?)
haha.. this is my cousin.. what a BOMB hair~ (can suck money 1 leh.. yeng ar!! XD)
this is me!!! with the little cute cow!! (hebe was holding tis cow too when having a interview for XX newspaper, hehe.. ^^)
this is my cute little cousin~ (cousin: oh no! kena tangkap!! no its not me! i didnt drink the shandy, i juz hold it for someone else, not me not me!! XD)
me again~ with my youngest sis, and her "bear bear" =="
this photo was took on last tues which tat day we need to "拜天公". lots of food leh, my cousin keep asking "can v eat now? can v eat now?" haha.. probably she was too hungry..
ah ha! this 1 is 孔明灯, pink color 1 oh.. gt another red 1 but tat 1 was released to the sky already~ not sempat to take photo.. T.T
I was the 1 who wrote things on this paper lamp, all about money 1, haha.. the red 1 more normal la, what 身体健康,心想事成,合家平安 etc., all nice wish, not like this 1, hehe.. ^^
everyone rush to see the "4D numbers" on the big colok, what we saw was 3331 but my auntie said she saw 6331 so we "抛圣杯" to decide which number to buy, aft tat my auntie 抛4 times圣杯for 6331 so every1 buy 6331 lol.. (as i know this number didnt kena either in magnum or toto lo, i wonder y gt 4 times 圣杯 1?? lol)
my sis n cousin~ i dont know y i upload this photo 1, probably is cause of my cute cousin.. OMG! she was so cute in this photo!! arh!! feel like wana cubit her cute baby face!!! (sorry me act like kinda 变态.. XD)
ok time to upload photos, these photos i took during cny at my grandma house, please enjoy~
wah! gambling ar! Ohhhh....XD actualy they were juz learning n playing la, no money 1, dont cal 999 oh.. btw, their expressions were so funny~ (os of everyone: gosh! which 1 should i take out?)
haha.. this is my cousin.. what a BOMB hair~ (can suck money 1 leh.. yeng ar!! XD)
this is me!!! with the little cute cow!! (hebe was holding tis cow too when having a interview for XX newspaper, hehe.. ^^)
this is my cute little cousin~ (cousin: oh no! kena tangkap!! no its not me! i didnt drink the shandy, i juz hold it for someone else, not me not me!! XD)
me again~ with my youngest sis, and her "bear bear" =="
this photo was took on last tues which tat day we need to "拜天公". lots of food leh, my cousin keep asking "can v eat now? can v eat now?" haha.. probably she was too hungry..
ah ha! this 1 is 孔明灯, pink color 1 oh.. gt another red 1 but tat 1 was released to the sky already~ not sempat to take photo.. T.T
I was the 1 who wrote things on this paper lamp, all about money 1, haha.. the red 1 more normal la, what 身体健康,心想事成,合家平安 etc., all nice wish, not like this 1, hehe.. ^^
everyone rush to see the "4D numbers" on the big colok, what we saw was 3331 but my auntie said she saw 6331 so we "抛圣杯" to decide which number to buy, aft tat my auntie 抛4 times圣杯for 6331 so every1 buy 6331 lol.. (as i know this number didnt kena either in magnum or toto lo, i wonder y gt 4 times 圣杯 1?? lol)
my sis n cousin~ i dont know y i upload this photo 1, probably is cause of my cute cousin.. OMG! she was so cute in this photo!! arh!! feel like wana cubit her cute baby face!!! (sorry me act like kinda 变态.. XD)
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