今天有位老师没来所以我就代替她的位子帮她代课(从早上一直骂骂骂,骂到放工,真是累到。。)所以我从早上就一直在楼上教书,到下午才下来office一下做手头上的job, 没想到就在这个时候我的 collegue 说等下会有位家长要来报名幼儿园,要我准备一下。我当时没多想,反正是 collegue 约见面的,应该是安全的吧。。
当那个家长来到时,我看她手上抱着一个 baby, 旁边又有位看起来好像 form 1 的女儿,so 就觉得 ok 可以让她进来。过后当我交form 给她填时她竟然说抱着 baby 不方便,要我帮她填,我也不以为意帮她填咯,毕竞是 customer 嘛。。
她那时一直说很赶等下要见客叫我们快一点(她说在 old town white coffee 附近新开了间boutique喔,都不知是不是真的。。),我和我的collegue 就有点手忙脚乱帮她处理这个处理那个,我就一直忙着帮她填form,她说她的两个女儿要报名,还有一个是朋友的儿子,我就帮她填资料,她还把IC交给我填,然后又给我手提号码,好像很热忱酱,而且又没有问学费就报名,怎知。。。。。
她填完后说要先回去见客,过后才拿cheque 过来,要我们准备衣服书包之类的,我们就一直说ok, ok, ok 咯。结果她回去后,是有打过一次电话来问价钱,不过问到一半就断线了。我们之后打电话过去就再也打不通了。。 after that 我们就发现我桌子上那个小小个,公司专用的handphone 不见了!!我找了整个office 都找不到,心想不知是不是有人偷走了,可是其他的东西也没有不见啊,我桌上的 camera 没有不见,so 就一直很疑惑到底去了哪里。。
后来过了几个小时我的 collegue 就说可能是刚才那个家长偷走了,我们一直联络不到她,我就吓到一下。。then 赶快去检查那张form, 发现很多疑点:她来时说自己是 ms wong, 可是填的资料是女儿姓 mok, 自己的IC 姓 tham, 哪里有可能咧?还有就是她说她女儿今年3岁,资料却写2004年出生,照理说今年应该5岁了啊,而且她从来没问关于课程啊学费啊那些应该问的问题,我当时真的是气到。。
为什么当时没有注意到咧?不会是被迷傻了吧。。真的很笨咯,酱多疑点酱容易拆穿的诈骗我竟然会上当!!以前看报纸是有讲过有个妇女带着孩子在 puchong 骗过很多间幼儿园,没想到今天竟然骗到我这里来!!真的是气死我!!
不过幸好只给她偷走了很旧的 samxxxx handphone, 其他东西没有不见,我的bag 幸好是放在桌子下面不是椅子上,不然真的是损失惨重!!唉!连酱ciplak 的handphone 也要偷,现在真的是世风日下,世界都不知变到什么样子去了!!
今天老板不在所以也没有责怪,不过明天就不知道咯。。还好我明天 on leave, 不然真的会被 shoot 到。。。如果星期三回去老板还要继续骂的话,herk!!!! 我就跟那个臭笨蛋家长势不两立,有不共戴天之仇!!连我都敢骗!不要再给我看到她!!不然真的会要她的命!!这世上是有因果的!!真的希望苍天保佑她,让她长命百岁,疾病缠身,被孩子背弃,有样学样,把她丢去做乞丐,乞食终老,横死街边!!哇哈哈哈哈。。(不要怀疑,全是我的肺腑之言,皆因我被骗到 sot 了。。。)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hang out
sorry for late update~
last Sunday I was hanging out with Mok n SM at IOI Mall, although we were choosing neither MV nor Pyramid but actually quite happy also la coz me really been long long time didn't hang out with my buddies leh, got chance to go out consider very good jo.. ^^
Actually I want to watch "Confession of A Shopaholic" or "The Unborn" but that small cinema doesn't show both of these movies!! what the!!! @#$%^& 难得出来也看不到我要的电影!!!
So no choice 3 of us have to choose either "Knowing" or "Shinjuku Incident" and the final decision is the supernatural thriller movie---> "Knowing" starring Nicholas Cage. At 1st this movie not bad ler, quite scary & curious but at the end quite weird la, don't know why so sudden end like this 1.. weird..
Its talking about the predictions of a little girl for the past 50 years by using numbers. Those numbers are dates, tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster for that 50 years and there will be 3 more disasters which will lead to the end of the world. So the professor-- Nicholas Cage has to save his son from the disaster. But at the end....... he has to face an ultimate sacrifice...
The effect quite good ler, those graphic really amazed me, like I was watching 3D, haha.. but quite scary lar, Mok & me were frightened by the little girl and the scenes leh, haha..
After the movie we went to Daiso Japan in new wing there. Those stuffs quite cheap la but I couldn't found what I want.. Sigh.. After that when we went to eat pizza SM saw her cute little students there and she was trying to say hello to them but I think they were shy to smile back la, yor, soooooo cute man... like japanese ler.. ><
And when we were hanging around the mall Mok saw her students too, za dao.. why everyone so easy to meet their students in shopping mall 1? Very 尴尬ler... Luckily I didn't meet any "special kids" there, if not I really don't know how to respond lol
Below are some photos from the movie:
last Sunday I was hanging out with Mok n SM at IOI Mall, although we were choosing neither MV nor Pyramid but actually quite happy also la coz me really been long long time didn't hang out with my buddies leh, got chance to go out consider very good jo.. ^^
Actually I want to watch "Confession of A Shopaholic" or "The Unborn" but that small cinema doesn't show both of these movies!! what the!!! @#$%^& 难得出来也看不到我要的电影!!!
So no choice 3 of us have to choose either "Knowing" or "Shinjuku Incident" and the final decision is the supernatural thriller movie---> "Knowing" starring Nicholas Cage. At 1st this movie not bad ler, quite scary & curious but at the end quite weird la, don't know why so sudden end like this 1.. weird..
Its talking about the predictions of a little girl for the past 50 years by using numbers. Those numbers are dates, tolls, and coordinates of every major disaster for that 50 years and there will be 3 more disasters which will lead to the end of the world. So the professor-- Nicholas Cage has to save his son from the disaster. But at the end....... he has to face an ultimate sacrifice...
The effect quite good ler, those graphic really amazed me, like I was watching 3D, haha.. but quite scary lar, Mok & me were frightened by the little girl and the scenes leh, haha..
After the movie we went to Daiso Japan in new wing there. Those stuffs quite cheap la but I couldn't found what I want.. Sigh.. After that when we went to eat pizza SM saw her cute little students there and she was trying to say hello to them but I think they were shy to smile back la, yor, soooooo cute man... like japanese ler.. ><
And when we were hanging around the mall Mok saw her students too, za dao.. why everyone so easy to meet their students in shopping mall 1? Very 尴尬ler... Luckily I didn't meet any "special kids" there, if not I really don't know how to respond lol
Below are some photos from the movie:
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